Estimate your whole farm and ranch carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions using COMET-Farm

Describe your farm and ranch management to generate an estimate comparing soil carbon and greenhouse gas emissions between scenarios

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Which COMET-Tool is right for me?

COMET-FarmTM is a web-based greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting decision-support tool that can be used to run a full greenhouse gas assessment for operations located in the contiguous United States. The tool is designed to do an entire greenhouse gas inventory within an entity, focusing on carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) from major on-farm emission sources, in addition to CO2 removal into biomass and carbon sinks within the farm-gate. Implementing the methods outlined in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Methods for Entity-Scale Inventory, the tool allows users to input land management-related activity data to compare business-as-usual (or "baseline") management to one or more conservation scenarios. For more information on creating projects, entering management, interpreting reports, and more, please download the COMET-Farm Manual.

Due to soil and weather data limitations, COMET-Farm can only be used within most regions of the contiguous United States✵. Regions with too rocky or cobbly soil types are unavailable for accounting in COMET-Farm, and the tool is not designed to run analysis on urban agricultural systems. No prior training is needed to run the tool and embedded ‘Help’ functions are provided to assist you in running the tool.

✵For more information about geographical limitations of the COMET-Tools, see the "Which COMET-Tool is right for me?" tab